Yngwie Malmsteen changed the way guitar is played...
Now he changes the way Guitar Amplifiers are built...

Yngwie Malmsteen's trademark sound is the result of not only his extraordinary ability but also a unique combination of vintage amps and pedals.

For years, there has always been a desire to have an amplifier which can capture all these elements in a single unit.

In conjunction with Rhino Amplification (Texas USA), that special amplifier is being designed and built from the ground up.

Featuring vintage tube amp design, classic overdrive, an adjustable noise gate, a tube buffered effects loop and a post power tube/power amp output volume attenuator, this amplifier will embody everything Yngwie has ever wanted in a modern amplifier.

Still in the prototype and testing phase, the guys at Rhino are working around the clock to develop the amplifier to suit Yngwie's demanding tastes.
After each modification, the prototypes are sent to Miami for testing.
Comments are made and the design process continues.

When finished, this amplifier will embody Yngwie's sound in a single amp head design.

ギター奏法そのものを変えてしまったYngwie Malmsteenが

Yngwie Malmsteenのトレードマークであるあの独特のサウンドは、彼の並はずれた能力だけで発現するものではなく、ビンテージアンプとペダルとのユニークなコンビネーションによる賜物なのです。
Rhino(動物のサイの意味) Amplification 社(テキサス・アメリカ)が設計し、組み立て調整までをすべておこなった特別なアンプです。ビンテージチューブ・アンプ設計(古典的オーバードライブ)を特色とし、調整可能なノイズゲート、チューブバッファードエフェクトループ、そしてポスト・パワー・チューブ/パワーアンプ、ボリューム減衰器出力を有します。


Rhino's Yngwie model YJM50 inside pictures
