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Ricardo's (Brazil 2001) met Yngwie !

His comment

" When I met Yngwie personally I made a trip to Sao Paulo to see his concert
and I made a drawing to give it to him as a gift .It was great..I was so
happy to met him,I listen his music since I was 10 and now I am 24 years
old and I was near of an artist that I really like.When he was walking in
the hotel I showed the drawing to him and he said:" very nice!very nice!"
and we took this picture and I gave the drawing to him.
It was a lil bit difficult to be with him because one security guard of the
hotel didn't liked to see me and a friend of mine waiting for the band
there and didn't allow us to be near of the car or the door of the
hotel..bujt when the "angry guard" leaved the place It was possible...I met
Malmsteen and all band was cool."


his web page

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