翻訳インタビュー(英文→日本語 by Aaron) 2002/9/22

9月13日(金)、スウェーデン最大の新聞『アフトンブラーデット』は、金曜恒例の付録記事 "Puls"(脈動)に、Yngwieとの一面大インタビューを載せた。これは著名なスウェーデン人との連続インタビューのひとつで、彼等が伴侶との関係をどう見ているかとか、伴侶にはこうあって欲しい或いは絶対にこうあって欲しくないという事を、述べたものである。聞き手はカロリーナ・フィエルボリさん。[ここでの質問は全て仮定であることをご理解ください。・・・Yngwieが「もしも」の話にどう反応するか・・・]


Yngwie:いや! 絶対ヤだ。

Yngwie:無理だ! 絶対あり得ない。まともな仕事だって? その言葉の意味すら解からないよ。



7.私がブーツに鞭といった衣装で現れたらどう? いけるかしら?



10.浮気が許される限界は? あなたの基準で。


12.あなたがパーティに行くときは、私もついて行っていい? それとも友達と


14.私が酔っ払って気持ち悪くなったら、介抱してくれる? タオルや水を持って来て、背中をさすって。





19.それは素敵。ありがとう。でも、二人の関係が冷めてきたと私が思い始めたときは、どうするの? あなたの方から別れを切り出すか、私が言い出すのを待つか。


― うん、なんとなく。


Hilarious feature in : Aftonbladet. Thanks to Fan Club member TomasOhlin for a translation:
"Friday September 13 the largest Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet published a one-page interview in their Friday appendix "Puls" (Pulse) with Yngwie. It is part of a series of interviews with Swedish celebrities to describe their outlook on relationships and what they want to find and definitely don´t want to find in their partner. The interview was made by Karolina Fjellborg. " [Understand that all questions and answers here are hypothetical... how Yngwie might react IF...]

1.If we were a couple, who would have hit on whom when we met?
Yngwie: It was definitely you who hit on me.

2.What made you attracted?
Yngwie: Well, the looks is the first thing that meets the eye, later other deeper things are also important. But it is important that you should look absolutely gorgeous.

3.What if I think you look a bit unkempt. Could you consider to get yourself a haircut, if I wanted you to?
Yngwie: No! No way.

4.What about getting a proper job?
Yngwie: No fucking chance! Not one in a hundred years. Proper job? I don´t even know what that means.

5.What if I wanted to suprise you so I decided to make a real thorough cleaning of your house.
I found lots of old guitars lying around and decided to throw out those that looked most worn. You will not get angry?
Yngwie: It is the oldest that are most valuable in terms of money, so it was not a bloody good idea. But I would take it rather calm. As I have grown older I have learned not to overreact. One may get angry, but it is no use if it is alreay too late. To jump and scream doesn´t really change anything, so what´s the use?

6.What kind of underwear should I use to score points with you?
Yngwie: Well, there are always funny variations on that theme. Garter belts, stockings and tights are always sexy. Sexy lingerie sets are nice and I like lace and such stuff.

7.Would you appreciate it if I come in dressed in boots and whip and such stuff? Will that be a success?
Yngwie: No, you would not make a great impact. It would make me laugh. I was never into that stuff.

8.Would you consider not using underwear next time we go out?
Yngwie: I have never used underwear, so that would be natural...

9.How many guys before you may I have had?
Yngwie: Rather none,as I am quite jealous. But it is not very important how many were before me. The main thing is that when we are together, then we are together 100%. I am very faithful, about 190 000 percent. Even if there were 50 naked girls in front of me, nothing would happen.
And I expect the same from you.

10.What is the limit for being unfaithful, in your opinion?
Yngwie: It is obvious, flirting is not acceptable. I am rather old-fashioned.

11.Then a menage a trois is not to be considered?
Yngwie: No way!

12.If you go out for a party, may I come along or do you want to be with your buddies?
Yngwie: I don´t go out to party.

13.If I come home in the middle of the night, being drunk as a....
Yngwie:No, that is not accepatble.

14.Would you comfort me if I am sick from being drunk, hold my head and provide napkins and water?
Yngwie: No, I don´t believe that would be the situation. I would not accept that you went out to get drunk, and we would not reach that situation. It would be fucking evident already from the start and you would not even try.

15.It is not OK if I go out for a party?
Yngwie: No.

16.What would your dream evening with me look like?
Yngwie: I have never understood all that shit with bath tub and candles. Maybe I am not romantic. I would like to stay home and look at TV and also to order home some food is always nice.

17.On our one-year anniversary, what gift would you give me?
Yngwie:What would you like?

18.What if I want to be surprised?
Yngwie: A gold Rolex.

19.That would be fine. Thank you. But what if I think things are turning bad between us. Will you break up or will you wait for me to do it?
Yngwie: I am persistent. I am old-fashioned and a bit sentimental so I would try to make it last. If it is not totally hopeless, that is. I draw a distinct line when it comes to unfaithfulness. If that happens, then it is bang, everything gone, forgotten and end.

20.So, if I would try to convince you to make a break, you would try to convince me?
Yngwie: No, it is either or. Do you dig?

21.Yes, I guess I do.