" War to end of All Wars" promotion tour 2000
2000 Japan promotion event
Listening Party Takes Place in Tokyo. ( 29 September 2000 )

See kyoko's Report  English or 日本語


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All photo pictuers shoot by Yoko Miyazaki

Do not use without acceptance on anywhere.

Report by Kyoko

I won the invitation card for Yngwie guitar clinic on 29 Sep 2000!
I went there!!
I saw Yngwie's play!!!
I shook hands with him!!!!
About 70 people who luckily won the invitation card came to this event.
Compare to last year's event at HMV Shinjuku, more younger male fans were there.

First of all, the event started with the Listening Party.

We listened to five songs from new album 'WAR TO END ALL WARS'.
The first number was MASQUERADE.
Once you hear this song, you'll never forget this pleasant melody which dominates its
whole song.
In the introduction and solo, it contains Yngwie-like classical phrases. Mark's vocal is
also perfect.

The second number was MOLTO ARPEGGIOSA. (Instrumental) You can see him
playing this song in the video, PLAY LOUD 'FULL-SHRED'. This song starts with an
acoustic guitar, a bass guitar, and keyboards, and then an electric guitar comes like a
roaring thunder.
Especially I was impressed by the harmony of a guitar and a bass sound. Drums was
supporting melody strongly.
Violin playing came into the latter part of its song, that was the highlight.

The third number was MIRACLE OF LIFE, dedicated to Yngwie's beloved son,
I've never thought I could listen to this song in this event. I must admit that it was a
beautiful ballad which is exactly what I have expected. Back vocals covers the acoustic
guitar, and dramatic Mark's vocal follows. Mark's voice was stable from high to low
I'll quote its lyrics which was like...
'That's all I need, A brand new soul, It was meant to be......Always with you........'
I definitely think it'll be one of Yngwie's masterpieces.

The fourth number was THE WIZARD.
This song is pretty heavy since drums and a guitar resonated aggressively each other. But
still, melody is catchy. After classical solo, high speed solo follows. It keeps heavy and
passionate melody until it finishes.

The fifth number was PRELUDIUM. (Instrumental)
This song is described as speedy, heavily and ultimately cool. Double bass drums keeps
the accurate rhythm powerfully. Indian-like sound, maybe played by a sitar appears in
the middle of this song.
And then the new development joins like... drums and chorus, drums and chorus. It
repeated several times. The guitar solo was just like baroque and roll and lilting staccato
put the accent on this song.

What I thought about these five songs, was very impressive and these were filled with
Yngwie's attractions.
I'm confident that these are the most beautiful songs which can be made by only
Just like he overcame the new challenge, and gave us a great present.

And here came Mr. William Hames. He was not a photographer this time, but a master
of this event.
He introduced Yngwie to fans. Yngwie jumped on the stage at a run and raised his hands
as he always does.

Yngwie's guitar clinic started finally. Yngwie played the first tune which contains his
several guitar plays (arpeggios, diminishes, phrygian etc).
Seems he was really enjoying himself, and I could see him smiling when he choked the
strings. I also felt happy too since his play was all that great. When he finished playing,
everybody greeted Yngwie with applause.
Saying 'Any questions? I should carry on it.', Yngwie started to play SEVENTH SIGN.
He arranged this song shortly from the introduction , solo to the ending.
I looked around fans' faces. They just couldn't take their eyes off from Yngwie and
absorbed themselves in watching hard Yngwie's play.
When Yngwie finished playing they applaud him again with a big hand.

'Next song is Blues.' he said, and BLUE from ALCHEMY started.

His looks with his guitar reminds me of his live. As he plays so hard, he was drenched
with sweat, so he requested a towel.

The last tune was that ceremonious song, 'FAR BEYOND THE SUN'.
When he started to play this song, my heart was suddenly filled with deep emotion. 'Oh,
I could see him again'. I almost cried. While he was playing this song, he threw two
picks. Fortunately One of them is in my hand. I won't forget this feeling and lose this
pick forever.
When it's finished, everybody was standing and thunderous applaud spread over the hall.

Just before Q &A starts, the man in the front row asked three questions.
The most impressed one was this.
Q. What are you drinking now?
A. Water.

My friend Ms. Satsuki Ono's question was the first Q.
Q. I started to play the guitar a month ago. How can I play 'FAR BEYOND THE SUN'
A. You need to be patient. But in fact, I think you'll never gonna play that perfectly.
Please don't feel bad about it.

Mr. Kosuke Hashida's question is...
Q. How do you improvise on the stage and not to repeat the same phrases?
A. Answer is related to the first question. You need time, a theory and lots of practice.
Even if you know everything about the guitar, not to think about it while you plays the
guitar. Free Form is the most important.

Mr. Atsushi Kudo's question is...
Q. If my memory is right, CATCH 22 was made at the time of MAGNUM OPUS......
A. At that time, I only had an idea of that title. I made music and lyrics for coming new

Mr. Satoshi Tachioka's question is...
Q. In this coming new album, I thought bass sound was coming more forward. Is that
your intention?
Q. Yes/No. It became so while it had been mixed down.

People whose questions were chosen, got a T-shirt and a sticker directly from Yngwie.

After Q & A, we all shook hands with Yngwie in the congenial atmosphere.
Yngwie had a smile on his face the whole time and seemed he enjoyed this event deeply.
All fans in that event also enjoyed spending time with Yngwie very much.
It was substantial two hours.

Five song we listened from the new album today were all great and I can't wait until it's
Also, I'm now eager to see his live with this new album.
According to information, the video-collection will be also on sale on the same day of the
new album.
We all received a black pick and a card which is the same as fan club's one as a gift, and
whole program was over.

Translated by Kyoko



新しいアルバム「WAR TO END ALL WARS」から5曲、聞くことができました。
そして、2曲目、MOLTO ARPEGGIOSA (Instrumental)へ…Play Loud究極編に入っている曲。
3曲目は、愛する息子、ANTONIO君に捧げた、MIRACLE OF LIFEです。
That's all I need, A brand new soul, It was meant to be.....Always with youというような歌詞でした。YNGWIEの代表曲になること、間違い無いと思います。
4曲目は、THE WIZARDです。ドラムとギターが激しく呼応しあい、とても重い音ですが、メロディはとてもキャッチーです。クラシカルなソロがあり、続いて、高速ソロへと入っていきます。重たく激しいまま、終わりになります。
5曲目は、PRELUDIUM (Instrumental)です。この曲を形容すると、速い、重い、底抜けにかっこいい、という感じです。ドラムはツーバスで激しく、正確なリズムをたたみかけています。中盤からシタールと思われる、インド的な音色が入ってきます。そして、ドラム、コーラス、ドラム、コーラスの繰り返しの、新たな展開があります。ソロはバロック調で、軽快なスタッカートがこの曲にアクセントを添えています。


そして、William 'Masumi Okada' Hamesの登場です。彼は今回カメラマンではなく、司会者でした。YNGWIEが紹介されました。YNGWIEは、いつものように、駆け足でステージに上がり、おどけた様に挨拶をしました。あーーー、久々に見るYNGWIE!やっと、現れた!!!

YNGWIEは、Any questions? I should carry on it.と言って、SEVENTH SIGNを演奏しはじめました。これは、かなりアレンジが変わっていて、イントロ、ソロ、ラストへとコンパクトに演奏されました。回りのみんなを見渡すと、食い入るように、YNGWIEの弾く姿を見つめ、YNGWIEに吸いこまれているように見えました。これが、終わると、また大きな拍手が!
最後は、あの儀式的な曲、Far Beyond The Sunです。私は、この曲を聞いた瞬間、あーーーー、


Q. 一ヶ月前にギターを始めた。どうしたらFar Beyond The Sunを上手に弾くことができるか?

Q. ライブの時に指くせにならずにインプロヴァイズする方法は?

Q.今回のアルバムの中のCATCH22は確か、MAGNUM OPUSの時に作られた曲では?

A. 答えはYES/NO、ミキシングの段階でそうなった。




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