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Derek Sherinian Interview !!
(8/June/2003 )
by MegaFanSite!! Japanese English

Black Utopia (Derek Sherinian 2003)

MegaFanSite!:3枚目のソロアルバムBlack utopiaではすごい技巧派のプレイヤーがスリリングなバトルを展開しています。どの様にして作ったのですか?

Derek: Black utopiaを作るのには録音と作曲で1年もかかったんだ。それにYngwieが始めて僕のアルバムでプレイしてくれた記念すべき作品でもある。

MegaFanSite!: そのYngwieのプレイをどう評価しますか?

Derek: Black UtopiaでのYngwieのサウンドは驚異的だよ。僕は"the Fury"と"The Sons of Anu"をYngwieに捧げるために為に書いたんだ。


Derek: もちろんさ、僕はギターバトルの大フアンなんだ。

MegaFanSite!: 残念ながらYngwieのATTACK!!ではYngwieとあなたのバトルがほとんど聞けなかったけど、すこしがっかりした?

Derek: YngwieはATTACK!!でのキーボードプレイにすでに確固たる方針を持っていたのさ。個人的にはYngwieとバトルになるソロプレイが入ることをすこし期待していたんだけど、そうはならなかった。

MegaFanSite!: Jens Johanssonがあなたと同じくステージでキーボードを傾けてプレイしてるんだけど知ってる?なにか共通のアイデアとかルーツがあるのかしら?

Derek: Jensは当代では最高にクールなキーボードプレイヤーだよね.


Derek: そうだよね、僕はチャンスさえあればもう一度彼のツアーに参加してみたいと本気で思ってるよ。

MegaFanSite!: ところで、どうして短髪なの?昔は長髪だったことってあるのかしら?

Derek: そうだね、10年前に長髪を切ったんだ。んじゃ君のためにまた伸ばし始めることにしよう。


Derek: 僕としては両方が旨くバランスされた状態が好きだな。

MegaFanSite!: すこしだけプライベートの事を教えてくれる?家族とか紹介してくれるかしら?趣味とか好きな事なんかも教えてくれない?


MegaFanSite!: あなたにとってのヒーローって?

Derek: Black utopiaでプレイしてくれたみんなさ




Derek: 僕の夢は僕のソロのバンドで日本へプレイしに行くことかな。


Derek: いつもすばらしい応援をありがとう。どうかこれからも僕の活動から眼を話さないでね!!僕のHPへも是非遊びに来てね。

MegaFanSite!: How the process to make such a full of trilling battle play by such a skillful music players on your 3rd solo "Black utopia" ?

Derek: Black utopia took a year to write and record. This is the first time that Yngwie has played on one of my records.

MegaFanSite!: How do you think about Yngwie play on your album ?

Derek:I think Yngwie sounds amazing on Black Utopia. I wrote "the Fury" and "The Sons of Anu in honor of Yngwie.

MegaFanSite!: Do you have a plan to put into more exciting battle play with somebody great player in your future solo album?

Derek: Yes, I am a big fan of guitar battles!

MegaFanSite!: The Yngwie ATTACK album didn't have your battle play vs Yngwie, do you have dissatisfaction?

Derek: Yngwie wanted the keyboards a certain way on "Attack". I personally was hoping to have the opportunity to solo and battle with Yngwie, but it wasn't to be.

MegaFanSite!: Do you know Jens Johansson have a same pose on stage with tilting key? do you have something common idea or roots with Jens Johansson as a keyboard player ?

Derek: Jens is the coolest keyboard player out there.

MegaFanSite!: Do you have the plan to play with Yngwie on stage in near future? (Many Japanese fan want to see you on sage beside Yngwie, indeed)

Derek: I am very open to playing with Yngwie again in any capacity.

MegaFanSite!: Why you are have a short hair? (When you cut your long heir or did you have long hair?)

Derek: I cut my long hair off 10 years ago. I wilL grow it back for you!

MegaFanSite!: Which do you like much more in the tour stage and playing a music or in the studio and making a songs ?

Derek: I like to find a nice balance between the two.

MegaFanSite!: Please give us something little about your private life, please introduce your family, favorite things or hobby etc.

Derek: i have a sister, my parents live in Santa Cruz, California . I was raised there. I love mob movies.

MegaFanSite!: Who is your hero?

Derek: All of the people that played on Black utopia

MegaFanSite!:What is your music policy as a player and as an composer ?

Derek: My policy is to always grow as an artist, and to always make a record better
than my last one.

MegaFanSite!: Do you have a dream that you are strongly want to make comes truth?

Derek: My dream is to come to Japan and play shows with my solo band.

MegaFanSite!: Give me some your free message to Japan.

Derek: Thank you so much for your great support! please stay tuned at for my future activities.

8/June/2003 Yngwie@MegaFanSite