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24April 2001

Singer Is Chosen for Tour
Yngwie reports that Mark Boals has been hired to complete the WAR World Tour
(Europe, UK, Asia, Japan). The replacement drummer will be named later this week. 


22April 2001

Yngwie Malmsteen's Message to His Fans

April 21, 2001 
[This statement is in response to the Jorn Lande interview posted by The House of Shred website.]

This message is spoken directly to my fans. I am extremely sorry that many of you were not able to come to my shows [April 10 - 28, postponed due to departure of Jorn Lande and John Macaluso] and share an evening of great rock 'n roll with me on what has been scheduled as my biggest world tour in 8 years. While I do not intend to stoop to the level of the National Enquirer, fighting back and forth on every website over the events that have derailed my USA tour and made planning for the European tour very difficult, I do want to set a couple of things straight.
When Jorn Lande was offered a slot on the WAR tour beginning in March, he told me that he would do part of it, but not all, because he had other plans for some of those dates. When he was finished with his other business, then he would rejoin the tour later. I told him that wouldn't be acceptable - it was all or none. He then signed a binding contract to perform all the shows of the complete tour. I firmly believe that he created the "event" in Cleveland in a premeditated way so that he could leave the tour and follow his own personal business. Some of his own comments in his interview [on the House of Shred website] seem to support this supposition. In any event, he chose to do it in such as way as to make me look as bad as possible. By choosing to quit the tour, he has committed a breach of a legally signed contract, and I want all of you to know that.
As the staff at the Cleveland venue will agree, both Jorn and John Macaluso did not show up on time for the show, and kept the rest of the band waiting in the dressing room, ready to go onstage. When they finally did arrive, Jorn said in a very belligerent way that he was not going to do this show and that he was quitting the tour. My wife told him that there were fans outside waiting to see the show and this was really unprofessional of him... he had signed a contract and he should keep to it. As the police report states, he then grabbed my wife roughly by the arm, cursing at her and calling her things that I won't repeat here, inflicting bruising and a red swelling on her forearm, which was observed by the officers called to the scene by the venue manager. Although I would have liked to knock the guy flat on his back, I am well aware of the trouble that would come from such a physical attack. Instead, I immediately ran to get the venue security, because I saw in a flash what he was trying to provoke.
I am very demanding of myself and thus I am very demanding of those around me. This intensity is sometimes misunderstood, to be sure, but it's pretty clear from concert reviews posted on the Internet that fans who have met me after the shows have a different impression from that described in Jorn's interview. Despite being bone-tired and sick with the flu, I allowed fans to come on the bus for a quick handshake and autograph. This often put us an hour or two late leaving the venue. I could have just gotten on the bus and told the driver to drive away, but I didn't.
I am extremely disappointed at Jorn's lack of professionalism, calling my wife and my family "gypsies" etc. Let me state clearly that only my wife, April, was officially on tour with me. It was her job to handle the merchandise and to arrange the meet-and-greet with the fans. My mother-in-law joined us for a few days in order to bring our son to see us. My father-in-law joined us for just a day, to help us get a replacement tour bus of a better quality than the one we were trying to travel in. They were certainly not part of the tour, nor were they running my "family business." I'm appalled that they got dragged into this sorry mess by someone who could not control his behavior and who would just walk away from his signed contract, refusing to perform the job he was hired to do.
I will hire someone else and my tour will continue, but it is you, the fans, who have been cheated the most by his actions. I will do everything in my power to return later in the year and make up the lost dates for you, if promoters are willing. I have given 110% at all of the shows, no matter how difficult the circumstances. That's what being a true professional is all about. See you on the roadノ
--Yours faithfully,
Yngwie Malmsteen

April 21, 2001 (翻訳by Yoko)

(これはウェッブサイトHous of Shredに掲載されたJorn Landeのインタビューに答える物である)


Jorn Landeが3月にWARツアーを始めるにあたって参加をオフォア-をした際に、彼は参加は可能だと思うが、ツアーの日程のうち幾日かは自分には他の計画がはいっていて一緒にはできない、しかし全部ではないと言ったのです。他の仕事が片づきしだい再度ツアーに合流したいと。しかし私はそれは認められない、全部に参加するか参加しないかだと彼に言いました。そして彼はこのツアーを完全に終わらせるまでのすべてのショーに参加するという契約書にサインしたのです。私は今回のCleveland での事件は彼が自分の個人的な仕事ができるようにツアーから去る為に意図的に画策したものではないかと確信しています。(Hous of Shred)での彼のインタビューでのコメントのなかにこの疑念を裏づけるように読み取れるものがいくつかあります。いかな事態になろうと、彼は私がもっとも悪く見えるように、こんな形でのやり方を選んだのです。彼はツアーを放棄するという選択をとることで、彼が署名した契約に違反したのだということを、私は皆さんすべてに知ってほしいのです。



私はJornのプロ根性のなさがとりわけ残念です。私の妻と私の家族を”ジプシー”などと呼んだり、いろいろありました。ここで私の妻に関しては明確にしておかなければならないでしょう、Aprilは正式にツアーメンバーとして私について来ているということです。マーチャンダイズ商品を取り扱うこと、ファンとの接見(Meet and greet)をアレンジするのが彼女の仕事です。義母は息子を私たちに会わせるために数日間同行していました。義父は、いままで使っていたものよりもっと質のいいましなツアーバスに取り替えてくれようとして、ちょうどその日だけ合流していたのです。確かにその時居た彼らはツアーのスタッフではありませんでした、しかし、私はファミリービジネスを行うつもりなどないのです。




15April 2001

PRESS RELEASE: Yngwie Malmsteen US Tour Cancelled For Now

Following the departure of both singer and drummer from Yngwie's touring band
on the WAR TO END ALL WARS tour last week, the tour was placed on temporary
hold until replacement members could be put into place.
Plans were to resume the final 12 days of the tour on Tuesday the 17th in St.

Unfortunatley the replacement drummer scheduled to step in and finish the
tour had to fulfill other label obligations.
After flying new musicians to Miami, it became clear that even the best
drummers being auditioned could not properly learn the entire 1.5-2.0 hour
set in only a 2-3 days.

Yngwie then made the difficult decision to cancel the remaining US shows for
now and spend the next two (2) weeks properly rehearsing the new band members
for the remaining three (3) months of touring in Europe , Asia, and Japan.

In expressing his regret to the agents and venues, Yngwie requested that upon
a successful return from Japan, he would like to reschedule the second half
of the US Tour which was missed this time.
This would of course include the dates between Chicago and California.

Since last week, several sources on the internet have made "official
announcements" regarding who would be the singer for the remainder of the
In many of these news reports, Jeff Scott Soto's name was mentioned.
Jeff and Yngwie have indeed been speaking about this tour. Other singers in
discussion have included Mark Boals and Doogie White.
Jeff has prior obligations with his band Talisman during the month of May
which obviously prevents him from being able to be onboard the entire tour
from beginning to end.
He is indeed available for some regions.

The point to be made is that fans must be selective and careful regarding the
accuracy of information reported on the internet.
In regards to "Official Press Releases" from Yngwie, you can rest assured
that such statements will appear on WWW.YNGWIE.ORG

プレス・リリース:Yngwie Malmsteen米国ツアーは今のところキャンセルされました。
先週全米ツアー真っ最中の突然のボーカルとドラマーの脱退によって中断されているWAR TO END ALL WARSツアーですが、適材による穴埋めのめどがたつまで、ツアーは中断のまま保留されていました。ツアーの残り12日分を再開するには火曜の17日セントルイスが期限でした。サポートを要請したドラマーは契約レコードの仕事を終えねばならない義務からすぐにはサポートを開始できない事が判明し、またわざわざマイアミまで駆けつけてオーデションを受けた代役のドラマーは1.5-2.0時間セットをこなすのに2-3日のリハーサルでは無理だということが判明しました。結論として、Yngwieは、残る米国ショーを当面キャンセルします。
Yngwieは、与えられた2週間を使って、ヨーロッパ、アジアおよび日本ツアーとして要する残る3か月の間をこなせる適切なメンバーをきちんと探してリハーサルするという、困難な決定を下しました。エージェントと会場主催者に対して、Yngwieはおわびすると同時に、日本公演の成功後に、今回抜けてしまった米国ツアーの後半の計画を立て直し穴埋めしたい旨を伝えました。これは、もちろんすでにキャンセルされているシカゴとカリフォルニアの間の日付を含むでしょう。先週以来ずっと、インターネット上のいくつかのサイトで、誰がツアーの残りのためのボーカルなのに関して「公式発表」を行なっています。これらのニュースレポートの多くでは、ジェフ・スコットSotoの名前が上がっています。確かにジェフとYngwieはこのツアーに関して話しています。話題に上がっている他の候補のマークボールズおよびドギーホワイトもまだ候補の中です。ジェフは、タリスマンのギグという義務を5月に予定していてそれが正式に後任になるという部分でネックになっています。彼はいくつかの公演地で代役が可能であるという事です。、ファンのみなさんはYngwieからの「公式プレス・リリース(Official Press Releases)」というものはWWW.YNGWIE.ORGから発せられる情報を信用していただきたい。他の情報に惑わされない事です。
                       YngwieマネージャMikeSpitzer 15/April/2001

9April 2001

PRESS RELEASE: Yngwie Malmsteen Shows Cancelled for April 10-16th.
New Band To Finish Tour.. Possibly With Original Rising Force Members.

As many of you have already heard from the Internet, singer Jorn Lande was
involved in a dispute backstage before the show in Cleveland Ohio on Sunday
April 8th .

The dispute elevated to a point which prompted security personnel to call in
the local police.

Being a close friend of Lande's, drummer John Malcaluso felt a loyalty to
Jorn and has also left the band.

This sudden unexpected departure of both the singer and drummer forces Yngwie
Malmsteen to cancel the following shows... April 10-April 16th.

Following this incident, Yngwie phoned his management in Florida and the two
have spent several hours on the phone speaking with musicians who expressed
an interest in filling these spots....

At this time, the top prospects to join Yngwie on the road are Barrymore
Barlow on DRUMS and Jeff Scott Soto -or- Doogie White (Rainbow) on VOCALS.
(Note: Nothing is confirmed at this time).

If this is confirmed on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week, this would be a
blessing for Yngwie fans as they are both members of the ORIGINAL RISING
FORCE line up !!

Jeff Scott Soto is usually considered the # 1 Yngwie singer of all time.

Barlow was the drummer on Yngwie's first solo album and thus played on
classic songs such as Black Star, Evil Eye, and Far Beyond the Sun.

Yngwie, Mats, Randy and crew are now on their way back to Miami to regroup.

The plan is to carry out a 4-5 day intensive rehearsal and be back on the
road TUES APRIL 17th to perform at the Pageant in St Louis.

This is the best recovery method available under the circumstances.

Yngwie Malmsteen expresses deep regret that these circumstances arose in the
midst of such a strong resurgence in the United States and sends his
apologies to those fans who will be affected by the cancelled shows.

Updates will be posted as available.


すでにネット上で噂が流れているのでご存じの方も多いでしょうが。4月8日(日)にクリーヴランド・オハイオでのショーの前、バックステージにおいてボーカルのJorn Landeと激しい口論となり。ついに会場のセキュリティが地方の警察を呼ぶレベルに発展した。結果としてヨルンと彼と親しいドラマーのJohn Malcalusoはバンドを去りました。歌手およびドラマーの両方のこの突然の予期しない離脱のため、4/10-16のショーを取り消すことになりました。Yngwieはフロリダにいる彼のマネージャと数時間もの長電話で相談した結果。ボーカルにジェフ・スコットソートあるいはレインボーのドギーホワイトが候補に、ドラマ-にはバリモアBarlowを検討中である。(注: 何も確定してはいません。)。今週の火曜日あるいは水曜日にはこれらを決定する予定。ジェフもバーロウを候補とした。元々最初のORIGINAL RISING FORCEアルバムに参加したメンバーであるとともに、これはYngwieファンも歓迎する人材であろう!! とくにジェフ・スコットソートーはいつもの常にYngwieのバンドの歌手としては1番という意見も多い。バーロウはYngwieのファーストのソロ・アルバム上のドラマーで、ブラックスター(Black Star)のような古くからの定番の曲を演奏している。
Yngwie、マッツ、ランディおよびツアークルーはすでにマイアミへの帰途にある。新メンバー到着を待って4-5日の集中的なリハーサルを行ない、17日のセントルイスからツアーを再開する予定である。これが現在考えられるもっともベストに物事が運んだらという予定である。Yngwie Malmsteenは今回のことでは、今アメリカで強力にプロモ-ションを展開している矢先の失態だけに深く後悔している、またショーのキャンセルにによって影響されるファンへ彼の謝罪を送りたいと思っている。最新情報が入りしだいお伝えする。

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